Selection of my work as Motion Designer and Art Director. Feel free to contact me at

Mostly Art Direction and Animation, also some creative direction. See breakdown below and thanks for watching!

00:00 - INTRO - Personal artwork and animation.
00:04, 00:36, 1:04 - GRENDENE KIDS new product - Art direction / motion design.
00:09, 00:40, 00:54, 00:59 - PERSONAL work (everything: concept,  3D, art and sonorization).
00:12, 00:22, 00:45, 1:07 - COLGATE-PALMOLIVE sales strategy presentation - Some art direction / full motion design.
00:15 - IMAGINERA Ad agency - Logo animation.
00:17 - GRENDENE KIDS new product - Art direction (along with Y&R Brazil) / motion design / sonorization / edit.
00:25 - EGS Advocates - Art direction / motion design.
00:26 - GRENDENE KIDS new product - animation.
00:28, 00:48 - SULAMÉRICA Seguros press presentation - Art direction / motion design.
00:32, 00:42, 00:50 - IMAGINERA concept titles - motion design.
00:57 - MITRE Incorporadora - Art direction / motion design.
1:01 - IPIRANGA - Point of sale LED animation.

Music: Going Down - G3 (edit)

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